Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Killzone 2 Online Noob Guide

Here is a link that I found to the forums...it really helps you to understand the game better. Since it is a little different than other First Person Shooters regarding multiplayer. For example, I thought someone was glitching the game when I saw an supposed friendly colored green name come up blinking orange and shot us.

http://www.killzone.com/kz/_ns:YVByb3h5LTF8YzB8ZDB8ZXByb3h5VGFyZ2V0PTE9TDNOalpXVXZZbTloY21RdmJXVnpjMkZuWlQ5aWIyRnlaQzVwWkQwNUpuUm9jbVZoWkM1cFpEMDRNRFkyTWc9PT09/forums.psmlIt is just part of one of the classes called the saboteur.

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